What is so_5_extra?

so_5_extra is a header-only library with additional tools and extensions for SObjectizer.

What does so_5_extra contain?

At this moment so_5_extra contains an implementation of environment infrastructure on top of Asio, additional mbox types, implementation of shutdowner mechanism, tools for synchronous interactions and much more...

If you want to see something in so_5_extra you can tell us about it via info@stiffstream.com.

SObjectizer is already existed, why is so_5_extra?

There are several reasons for development of so_5_extra as a separate library:

  • we want to keep SObjectizer as a small project without big external dependencies. But we can use such heavy dependency as Asio for so_5_extra;
  • SObjectizer contains features which are necessary for many users. But so_5_extra can contain features which can be required by a few users;
  • a new feature can be added to SObjectizer only if it is proved that this feature is useful. But so_5_extra can be seen as a testing field for new ideas. If something from so_5_extra will be valuated as helpful and widely used it can be moved into SObjectizer with time.

What license does so_5_extra use?

so_5_extra is distributed under BSD-3-CLAUSE license. It allows to use so_5_extra in proprietary projects for free.

Previous versions of so_5_extra were distributed under dual-license (GNU Affero GPL v.3 and commercial one). It you can't use so_5_extra-1.4.0 (or more fresh versions) and want to bye a commercial license for an old so_5_extra version please contact us at info@stiffstream.com.

How to get so_5_extra?

so_5_extra is hosted on GitHub. Source code archives are available on GitHub. so_5_extra also has a Wiki with lots of helpful information.